Is the Florida Highway Patrol currently hiring?
Yes! Due to the large size of our agency and the ever-increasing size of Florida’s population, we are always actively seeking qualified and motivated candidates to become Florida State Troopers!
Is there a closing date for applications?
No, we are always accepting applications for consideration.
How do I learn about future Florida Highway Patrol recruitment events?
Check out our Florida Highway Patrol Facebook page and our Instagram page @florida_highway_patrol. You can also contact your local recruiter to ask them about upcoming events. Recruiter contact information can be found on our Recruiter Contact page.
What are the minimum requirements for becoming a Florida State Trooper?
You must be at least 19 years old, and a U.S. citizen with a high school diploma (or equivalency). You must also have a valid driver’s license and be willing to serve anywhere in the State of Florida. Your weight MUST be proportionate to your height. Preference is given to applicants who have the equivalent of an Associate’s degree from an accredited college, 2 years of military service with an honorable discharge, or Florida certified law enforcement officers with at least one year of sworn law enforcement experience.
What are all the steps to be hired as a State Trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol?
Learn about all 12 steps from the start of your application to the start of the Academy by visiting the Steps to the Academy page.
What is the maximum age limit for FHP?
All those over the age of 19 are welcome to apply. We do not discriminate based upon age!
Does FHP accept applications from out of state?
Yes, if you meet the minimum qualifications, you are welcome to apply!
Do I need a Florida Driver's License before I apply?
No, but your current driver’s license must be valid and all fines in all states must be paid. You will be required to obtain a Florida driver license prior to attending the FHP Academy.
What if I am over the FHP weight standards?
Upon arrival at your scheduled Physical Abilities Testing (PAT), your height and weight will be verified by FHP staff. If you are over the allowed weight and/or if your weight is not proportionate to your height, you will not be allowed to continue beyond the PAT Testing process and your file will be placed inactive. Our physician makes the final decision regarding an applicant’s physical abilities to perform the minimum functions of a State Trooper. However, you need to be prepared to meet the high physical standards the training academy demands! All candidates are expected to be working toward getting into optimum shape for the academy and/or maintaining optimum shape during the application process.
How do I physically prepare for the Academy?
We have constructed a guideline to assist our future recruits in initiating a physical conditioning program. Please consult with your personal physician before you begin any type of cardiovascular or strength training. Visit our preparation guide for more information.
What if I do not have my past employer's information?
Please research and locate the information. In today’s technological world, there are many resources available to help you obtain the required information. The address, telephone numbers and the supervisor’s names are very important. The application is placed inactive or disqualified when information is omitted. If you cannot remember all of your previous employers, the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service may have that information available.
What is the tattoo policy for employment with the Florida Highway Patrol?
You cannot have any tattoos on your face, neck, head or hands (below the wrist bone). The tattoos cannot be obscene, gang related, or offensive in nature.
What if I have an arrest record?
It depends on the arrest. Felonies and Domestic Violence convictions are automatic disqualification factors. If you were arrested for a misdemeanor or as a juvenile, you must obtain and attach all police reports and court disposition documents to the application. Any crime of violence will be grounds for disqualification.
When did the Florida Highway Patrol assume responsibility for regulating commercial motor vehicles?
During the 2011 legislative session, SB 2160 was passed and revised the divisions within the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. It created the Office of Motor Carrier Compliance of the Division of the Florida Highway Patrol within the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The office is now known within FHP as the Office of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE).
Are there any methods to supplement the starting salary?
Yes! State-sponsored overtime programs and Criminal Justice Incentive Pay may supplement your income, as well as the opportunity for other off-duty police employment after you have been released from your probationary status. Other opportunities for extra pay incentives are available based on certifications and/or special assignment. Additionally, our Troopers receive a $1,300.00 uniform allowance (for cleaning, etc.) annually.
Will having or obtaining an Associate or Bachelor Degree help me?
Yes! Certified Law Enforcement Officers who have an Associate’s Degree earn an additional $30 per month. Those who hold a Bachelor’s Degree earn an additional $80 per month. The incentive monies are paid during your entire law enforcement career. Also, preference is given to those who hold at least an Associate’s Degree.
What are some of your benefits?
Paid vacations, holidays, sick leave and military leave. Extensive Health and Life insurance options, deferred compensation plan, contributory retirement plan, and education salary incentive pay. All uniforms and an annual cleaning allowance, equipment and weapons are provided. Members are also afforded a take-home patrol car privilege and have the option to live up to 40 miles outside of their city of assignment.
What type of retirement system does FHP have?
We currently offer a contributory retirement system with each member being vested after 8 years. Full retirement benefits are awarded after 25 years of service and the benefits are based on three percent per year, meaning a member who retires at 30 years receives 90 percent of their salary. Members may also choose to enter an investment plan in lieu of the state pension, whereby the State of Florida will contribute funds to a retirement account. Members that choose the investment plan are vested after 1 year. We also have a Deferred Compensation Plan and a Deferred Retirement Option plan (DROP) to further build your retirement savings. With proper preparation, many members are able to retire at 100 percent or more of the average of the highest 8 salary years!
When is the next Academy class?
We currently do not have any classes scheduled. Please continue to monitor this site as well as FHP social media for upcoming classes.
- Basic Recruit Class (BRC): attend a 29-week academy if you don’t hold a Florida Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) Law Enforcement Certificate.
- Transitional Recruit Class (TRC): attend an eight-week academy if you hold a valid Florida CJSTC Law Enforcement Certificate.
Visit our upcoming academy dates page to see all of the start dates: https://beatrooper.com/about-the-academy/upcoming-academy-dates/
How long does it take to be hired once I apply?
You will be hired in a trainee status when you report to the FHP Training Academy. Salary and full health and retirement benefits will begin upon your employment start date!
How does the selection process work?
All applicants must pass a written test (*BAT), unless exempt, and a Physical Abilities Test (P.A.T.). All successful applicants will undergo a physical exam (including a drug screen), a polygraph exam, and a psychological evaluation. A complete background investigation and credit check are conducted on applicants who pass all the preceding tests.
*BAT TEST: The Florida Highway Patrol does not administer this test. Applicants will not be processed unless they have written proof of passing this BAT Test. Additional information and study material can be found at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website, which will provide you with information on how you may obtain a study guide and participate in this BAT test at selection centers located throughout the State of Florida. The Florida Highway Patrol does not provide a study guide or other information pertaining to this test. Former Florida-certified or out-of-state-certified officers may qualify for an exemption from the CJBAT. Effective immediately, any applicant with an associate degree or higher from an accredited college OR a U.S. veteran discharged or released under honorable conditions is exempt from the CJBAT.
What is the Physical Abilities Test (P.A.T)?
The Physical Abilities Test (PAT) will assess physical attributes that reflect core enabling knowledge, skills, and abilities, and essential tasks common for law enforcement officers. The PAT is conducted in a time dependent continuous flow manner. The PAT determines the participant’s level of physical condition and aerobic capacity. A series of tasks measure specific physical abilities. These tasks can be found on our obstacle course guide.
What happens if I miss or fail the written test and the P.A.T.?
You will be offered another chance to complete the P.A.T. Applications of candidates who do not report for their test date without providing advanced notice of their inability to attend will be placed inactive. We ask that you make every effort to attend your assigned date or let us know in advance that you will not be able to attend so we may reschedule.
What is the Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT)?
The CJBAT (also known as FBAT) will need to be geared towards law enforcement and taken in the State of Florida. The BAT score is valid for four years from the date of the test.
Individuals who desire to enter a basic recruit training program for law enforcement must first pass a Basic Abilities Test (BAT). This test is based on a job task analysis (JTA) in each of these subjects, adopted by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Commission). It predicts the likelihood for success in basic recruit training. The BAT is administered only within the State of Florida. The test assesses written comprehension and expression, information ordering, spatial orientation, memorization, problem sensitivity, and inductive and deductive reasoning. It is a multiple-choice test in a computer-based or paper and pencil format. You can visit the FDLE website for more information: https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJSTC/Officer-Requirements/Basic-Abilities-Test.aspx
*Former Florida-certified or out-of-state-certified officers may qualify for an exemption from the CJBAT. Effective immediately, any applicant with an associate degree or higher from an accredited college OR a U.S. veteran discharged or released under honorable conditions is exempt from the CJBAT.
As an out of state applicant, how many trips to Florida will I make to complete the selection process?
The hiring process typically takes two to three trips. The process will only take a single trip if attending a streamline hiring event.
What happens if I pass all of the examinations?
Your file is turned over to the Chief Background Investigator who assigns it to a Regional Background Investigator. The Regional Background Investigator will conduct a thorough investigation. Those who pass the background investigation are placed on the “Ready-To-Hire” list. The Florida Highway Patrol selects Academy candidates from the “Ready-To Hire” list.
Is everyone on the "Ready-To-Hire" list invited to the Academy?
It depends on the number of positions available! The Colonel selects the candidates for the Academy. Candidates with the preferred educational background, military, or law enforcement experience are selected first. After those candidates have been exhausted, remaining ready to hire candidates will be offered positions.
How often may I enter the selection process?
Phase I (PAT) is administered once a month in Tallahassee, Orlando, and Miami.
How important is my credit status?
Very important! Before applying, please make arrangements with all creditors with whom you have overdue accounts to pay the balance in full. If any accounts are with a collection agency, please rectify the situation before submitting the application. Also, provide all documentation regarding the repayment arrangements when you submit your supplemental application.
What can I do to improve my credit?
Contact your local Consumer Credit Council for assistance or contact each creditor and enter into a repayment schedule plan. Ask the company to send a letter on company letterhead confirming the arrangements.
Do my technical school credits qualify as accredited college course hours?
Do I have to get driving records from every state where I have ever been licensed?
Yes, the records must be original certified records from the applicable State DMV. Local police printouts and photocopies will not satisfy this requirement.
What if I am still in the military and do not have my DD214?
Ask your Company Commander to write a letter on official letterhead detailing your separation date, type of discharge expected, and your character of service.
What if I have sealed or expunged records?
The records are subject to disclosure to law enforcement personnel and are necessary for completing your background investigation. Please submit photocopies of the arrest records, police reports, and court records with your supplemental application.
Where do I get a passport style and full-body photograph?
Any full-face photograph may be cut to size to fit in the boxes provided in the Supplemental Affidavit. The photographs should depict only the applicant and have a plain background.
Will my military college credits transfer to college credits and assist me in the competitive selection process?
Yes, they will. Please obtain and forward your official (unopened) transcripts with your supplemental application.
How important is my driving record?
Very important! Receiving four or more moving violations within a two-year period, (including driver license suspensions) or receiving a reckless driving citation within a seven-year period from the date of the application will disqualify you.
How important are my character references?
Very important! Please complete all requested information. Your application is delayed when the information is omitted. We will not process incomplete applications. Make sure your references know you are listing them as a reference!
Do I receive a salary while attending the Academy?
Yes. State Trooper recruits are paid $4,166.67 per month. Full room and board is provided as well!
How long is the FHP training academy in Havana?
Basic Recruit Class (BRC): attend a 29-week academy if they don’t hold a Florida Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) Law Enforcement Certificate.
Transitional Recruit Class (TRC): attend an eight-week academy if they hold a valid Florida CJSTC Law Enforcement Certificate.
Troopers will participate in a Field Training Program at their first duty assignment.
Will I have to complete a full academy if I have experience with an out of state agency?
That depends on you! The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) offers an “Equivalency of Training” program through which you may become a certified Florida Law Enforcement Officer. Certified Florida Law Enforcement Officers are offered the opportunity to attend the eight-week transitional course. Information regarding equivalency training may be found on the FDLE Website. Otherwise, completion of the full 29-week academy class will certify you as a law enforcement officer in Florida.
What is the Academy like?
The Training Academy offers a quasi-military training regimen. Recruits begin each weekday with physical training. They have classes for eight hours per day and their evenings are used for studying. The recruits live at the Academy during their training. On the weekends, recruits are permitted to leave Academy grounds.
Where will I be assigned after my academy graduation?
Candidates will be given their duty assignment prior to entering the academy. Duty assignments are determined based upon position availability and agency needs.
What chance do I have of returning to my home area after the Academy?
We will make an effort to keep you close to your area of choice, on the basis of position availability and needs of the agency. What does that mean? While we would like you to be assigned in or near your home county, we may not be able to do so, either due to a lack of vacant positions in the area or due to a much greater need for manpower in other parts of the state. Areas typically in need of additional troopers are Miami, Orlando, Southwest Florida and the western panhandle. You should prepare you and your family for a first duty assignment away from your home county in the event a position is not available. Transfer requests are accepted after 12 months of duty at your first assignment.
If I am accepted to the state troopers training academy and during the the training academy I decide that I would rather be a commercial vehicle enforcement (CVE) trooper, can this be done?
Currently, we do not hire directly into our CVE bureau.